Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 5: Business Correspondents

Explain the process of looking forward and applying to a job post.  Specially, describe the type of documents involved in a job post and/or job application.


  1. well first you got to find a job you like. then you got to get an interview. then if you pass the interview. you got to go to your first day on the job.

  2. you must find a job opening somewhere, apply for an interview, go to the interview then get the job.

  3. When you apply for a job you should look up what you need to do to keep that job and prepare yourself to know everything you need to know when you go to your interview to get hired for that job.

  4. To get a job, you need to look up the requirements

  5. You go to an interview for the job maybe give them a resume then maybe you will get the job you apply for.

  6. To get a job you have to be qualified.

  7. first you must find a job you are interested in and are qualified for. You must do research for and get an interview.

  8. you have to find a job you like than get the requirements for the job.

  9. first you must find a job you are interested in and are qualified for. then you got to get an interview

  10. First you must find a job opening your interested in and qualified for then hopefully you get an interview and learn more about the job and its requirements.

  11. find a job opening, apply for the interview then try your hardest to get the job but make sure you reach the jobs requirements.
